September 11, 2008

Swamp Fox 2008

Cornerstone Church recently participated in our town's local festival called Swamp Fox.

The day started with a parade where we handed out about eight to nine hundred Hey Kids - Test Your Memory gospel tracts plus candy.

The parade was a ton of fun! Thanks to everyone who participated!!


Cornerstone manned our annual 'What's In a Name?' booth where we gave people the meaning of their name on a gospel tract.

Thank you to all who helped with the booth! Especially to John S. who set up, stayed the whole day and then tore down!


John said...

What resource did you use for the What's in a name booth? Also, did you have a special tract printed for this or is there some other tool you used here.

Great idea and I would love to adopt it!

email jwnicholsonjrAThotmailDOTcom

Sarah Banowetz said...


Our church has made their own tract. It has the plan of salvation laid out using Bible verses on a regular sheet of copy paper that is folded in a 'booklet' form.
