November 9, 2007

JoAnna: Halloween Night

JoAnna was another "fisher" who went out witnessing at Trunk or Treat on Halloween night...

I have known about The Way of the Master for sometime. In fact, I was in the first classes with Sarah and Lisa. Well, apart from witnessing to a few family members and teens in my youth group, I had little experience.

I was so excited to see God move I was shaking! When I approached a teenage couple that was a little too close for how teens should be touching, I was blown away that he was concerned he would go to Hell! It was great to share with him the good news about Jesus taking our punishment.

There was another group of about 6 that I witnessed to. They had all the answers about Jesus and being "saved" but weren't dressed or acting in a manner worthy of the Holy Spirit living in them as a true sign of a believer. My wonderful husband, Michael, confronted one of the young ladies about her dress and pointed to the Law and the sin of adultery, that Jesus said whomever looks with lust [commits adultery]. He said she was causing others to look with lust and sinning herself. It was encouraging to see her button her sweater and be convicted by the Law.

It was an awesome experience and God is good to allow us to share in that way. Please pray for me, my brother is coming to town from Florida to be here with his best friend who is in a coma with a drug overdose. I know they both need Jesus and I believe the Way of the Master is the best way to see that need. Thanks.


November 7, 2007

Have you considered what happens if you're wrong?

Tonight Sam and I paired up. We made several circuits at the mall before we encountered a couple of teen guys. I approached them and told them we were out with our church taking a survey. They were interested, so we launched into the Intelligence Test survey. We learned that their names were Justin and Zach.

It became apparent early on that Justin did not believe in God. I asked him if he had considered the ramifications of his beliefs it it turned out that he was wrong. His answers surprised me. He basically said (this is a paraphrase), "If I'm wrong, I'll burn in Hell." I asked him,"Does that concern you?"
His answer: "I'll deal with it then."

What do you say to someone who understands that the logical conclusion of his beliefs, if he is wrong, means an eternity in Hell? What do you say to someone who is unconcerned by such a thought??

It was an interesting conversation. Perhaps not very fruitful, but interesting. Keep praying for Justin. Also pray for his friend, Zach. He didn't say much, but he seemed more interested in the things of God. Now I wish we would have engaged him more in the conversation...


November 4, 2007

Michael: Halloween Night

The following is from Michael who headed up the witnessing for Trunk or Treat - an outreach put on by his church. Michael was also a 'graduate' of last week's Crash Course. He has two amazing stories about God working through him on Halloween night...

[Paul] must have been 17 when I gave him his first hit of acid 8 years ago. [I] shared the gospel with him tonight. He was the first person I talked to. [He] didn't believe Christ was sinless but walked away astonished; considering its possibility.

The second guy I talked to was an old party buddy from the same group as Paul. I acquired and used drugs with him frequently, too, in the past. He admitted he was unsure if he would go to heaven or hell, when I told him that God said breakers of His law will not enter the kingdom, Cory said he was concerned about the situation and I was able to explain Christ to him as well.

Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life!


Jerry: Halloween Night

Jerry attends another church in the area and was a 'graduate' of the Crash Course last week. He and his wife, Anita, were at the Trunk or Treat outreach on Halloween night. This is what he had to say...

God is so good! He is so faithful to answer our prayers! We had prayed weeks ahead of time for nice weather – it was great, and a smaller crowd – it was. When the crowd dwindled down we prayed to the Lord of the harvest to send more people and He delivered. God was so gracious to us rookies (except Matt) fishermen.

We didn’t talk to anyone who was hostile or even unwilling to talk. I think we were all pumped and excited to get started, although our actions didn’t immediately follow. Again, God was faithful in slowly calming our fears by moving us to handing out tracks as we waited on Him. Soon the Spirit led us through all the prayers and training, as we went out boldly two by two. It shouldn’t have been a surprise and yet it was, that so many shook our hands and thanked us.

It’s overwhelming looking back and seeing how receptive and hungry the people are to talk of the things of God and hear His good news. When approached through their consciences and not their intellect, via God’s law mouths were shut and the fertile soil of their hearts was tilled. Only one person Matt and I talked said they weren’t a good person – a fellow believer! Surprisingly all but one had a Bible and he did when leaving.

I am confident as our prayers have gone up to the Father, both before and after, that he will continue to be faithful and gracious to hear them and change the hearts of these we talked with and also those that received tracts. Praise be to God, the author and perfector of our faith.


Anita: Halloween Night

On Halloween evening Anita went to Trunk or Treat at another local church (her own). She was a 'graduate' of the Crash Course last week...

I went as a Prayer Warrior tonight as the others went and fished. At first I thought that I wasn’t doing enough – but then God sweetly reminded me the power of prayer when we all prayed for more to come. I praise the LORD that and thanked HIM for “The Way of the Master” which has touched all of our lives and that we will continue to pursue it in depth. For we are all “fishers of men”.


November 1, 2007

An Awesome Halloween!

I'm not fond of Halloween by any means. But, after last year's Halloween, the Lord seemed to give me a heart for my neighborhood during this Halloween (which was yesterday). Matt and I have been talking off and on about it for a year.

How often do you get people coming TO YOU for free stuff?! Right to your door?! (Answer: Once a year at Halloween) We had Hey Kids tracts and rubber banded them to fun size candy bars, put full-sized Dove and other candy bars to Why Christianity tracts for the parents, and bottles of water, full size pkgs of M&Ms and Good Person Cartoon tracts for the older kids.

Last night was awesome!

Matt went out with some others witnessing so I was the only adult at home with 4 children ages 4 years down to 9 months. So, the three oldest played together...

...and helped hand candy and booklets (telling kids and parents about sin, righteousness and grace through Jesus Christ) out to the trick-or-treators and their parents. The parents, by the way, got a kick out of this and thought it was really nice (no bad reactions).

We handed out 84 tracts to the children and tweens and 48 tracts to the parents. 132 gospel messages total. And... All while staying at home with the kids! THAT is why it was so awesome!

Plus, the kids had a ton of fun!

(I'm positive that they had more fun then if they went trick-or-treating themselves)

Matt, Michael, JoAnna, Jerry and Anita were witnessing at Trunk-or-Treat and it was AWESOME! I hope they get a chance to blog because Matt, who goes out witnessing at the mall, said that everyone was SO open to Jesus Christ last night (even compared to the mall)... That it was even better than the mall. Michael said that he didn't even need to point out specific sins because everyone (except for one) that he talked to knew that they weren't good. They were so humble and ready for the Gospel. It sounds like God did some amazing things last night using these five people out at Trunk-or-Treat!
