November 4, 2007

Jerry: Halloween Night

Jerry attends another church in the area and was a 'graduate' of the Crash Course last week. He and his wife, Anita, were at the Trunk or Treat outreach on Halloween night. This is what he had to say...

God is so good! He is so faithful to answer our prayers! We had prayed weeks ahead of time for nice weather – it was great, and a smaller crowd – it was. When the crowd dwindled down we prayed to the Lord of the harvest to send more people and He delivered. God was so gracious to us rookies (except Matt) fishermen.

We didn’t talk to anyone who was hostile or even unwilling to talk. I think we were all pumped and excited to get started, although our actions didn’t immediately follow. Again, God was faithful in slowly calming our fears by moving us to handing out tracks as we waited on Him. Soon the Spirit led us through all the prayers and training, as we went out boldly two by two. It shouldn’t have been a surprise and yet it was, that so many shook our hands and thanked us.

It’s overwhelming looking back and seeing how receptive and hungry the people are to talk of the things of God and hear His good news. When approached through their consciences and not their intellect, via God’s law mouths were shut and the fertile soil of their hearts was tilled. Only one person Matt and I talked said they weren’t a good person – a fellow believer! Surprisingly all but one had a Bible and he did when leaving.

I am confident as our prayers have gone up to the Father, both before and after, that he will continue to be faithful and gracious to hear them and change the hearts of these we talked with and also those that received tracts. Praise be to God, the author and perfector of our faith.


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