November 1, 2007

An Awesome Halloween!

I'm not fond of Halloween by any means. But, after last year's Halloween, the Lord seemed to give me a heart for my neighborhood during this Halloween (which was yesterday). Matt and I have been talking off and on about it for a year.

How often do you get people coming TO YOU for free stuff?! Right to your door?! (Answer: Once a year at Halloween) We had Hey Kids tracts and rubber banded them to fun size candy bars, put full-sized Dove and other candy bars to Why Christianity tracts for the parents, and bottles of water, full size pkgs of M&Ms and Good Person Cartoon tracts for the older kids.

Last night was awesome!

Matt went out with some others witnessing so I was the only adult at home with 4 children ages 4 years down to 9 months. So, the three oldest played together...

...and helped hand candy and booklets (telling kids and parents about sin, righteousness and grace through Jesus Christ) out to the trick-or-treators and their parents. The parents, by the way, got a kick out of this and thought it was really nice (no bad reactions).

We handed out 84 tracts to the children and tweens and 48 tracts to the parents. 132 gospel messages total. And... All while staying at home with the kids! THAT is why it was so awesome!

Plus, the kids had a ton of fun!

(I'm positive that they had more fun then if they went trick-or-treating themselves)

Matt, Michael, JoAnna, Jerry and Anita were witnessing at Trunk-or-Treat and it was AWESOME! I hope they get a chance to blog because Matt, who goes out witnessing at the mall, said that everyone was SO open to Jesus Christ last night (even compared to the mall)... That it was even better than the mall. Michael said that he didn't even need to point out specific sins because everyone (except for one) that he talked to knew that they weren't good. They were so humble and ready for the Gospel. It sounds like God did some amazing things last night using these five people out at Trunk-or-Treat!


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