November 7, 2007

Have you considered what happens if you're wrong?

Tonight Sam and I paired up. We made several circuits at the mall before we encountered a couple of teen guys. I approached them and told them we were out with our church taking a survey. They were interested, so we launched into the Intelligence Test survey. We learned that their names were Justin and Zach.

It became apparent early on that Justin did not believe in God. I asked him if he had considered the ramifications of his beliefs it it turned out that he was wrong. His answers surprised me. He basically said (this is a paraphrase), "If I'm wrong, I'll burn in Hell." I asked him,"Does that concern you?"
His answer: "I'll deal with it then."

What do you say to someone who understands that the logical conclusion of his beliefs, if he is wrong, means an eternity in Hell? What do you say to someone who is unconcerned by such a thought??

It was an interesting conversation. Perhaps not very fruitful, but interesting. Keep praying for Justin. Also pray for his friend, Zach. He didn't say much, but he seemed more interested in the things of God. Now I wish we would have engaged him more in the conversation...


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