September 27, 2007

Faithful Witness

I have heard it said before "90 or 99% of life is just showing up. The rest is just details."

I have never truly agreed with this statement. I know that there are many things that can be done in preparation for any task or event and that showing up and asking for the details to just work out doesn't usually work.

So how does this all relate to our fishing trip this week? Well, my talk a group of 4 teenagers brings me to this point. I was able to have a good time talking to them using the intelligence test. What I have found is that even though the test in the second half asks many questions about the persons spiritual beliefs, it is still hard to transition to a deeper spiritual conversation beyond that.

Sometimes I think this is because I am scared or worried about what the people will think. In this case, however, I think it was because of a lack of preparation on my part. I did ask more questions than the survey. But the people I talked to were still open to talking more, if I had been prepared to answer their questions.

I think of what things I can do to prepare for a weekly trip to talk to people and also everyday as I am around others. I need first to understand that I can do nothing alone. I must rely on God for it all. Without him I labor in vain. I can pray for wisdom and guidance each day in how to witness to others through my actions and spiritual conversations.

I can make sure that I am setting aside time for spending with God in prayer daily. To confess my sin and grow in my relationship with Him.

I know especially that I should carry with me a small Bible with highlighted verses that deal with salvation and repentence and about who Jesus Christ is.

My learning from this week is that it is not enough to show up only, I need to be thinking and preparing always for an opportunity that God presents for me to be faithful. I pray that I would be wise in my use of time that He has given to be faithful in my preparation as well.

I am thankful for the opportunity I had with the group of teenagers I met with. I pray that I have planted a seed with each of them.

Matt B.


Tony and Lisa said...

You're so right, Matt! I agree wholeheartedly. It's amazing how unprepared I can become in just a week's time. God is faithful and will work through our feeble attempts, but we need to be prepared. Let me know what verses you highlight in your pocket Bible!

Tony and Lisa said...

And you speak for me when you say what you say. I also have trouble transitioning to a spiritual conversation. What's up with that? I can talk about football with someone and I don't even LIKE football...
Praise God tht he uses us anyway.


Sarah Banowetz said...

I've enjoyed reading Matt's blog here because it is well-thought-out and honest.

What is amazing is that we both took (we're husband and wife, btw) a spiritual gifts 'test' and Matt's top two areas that could be the spiritual gifts that he's been given are Leadership (that one's obvious! *wink*) and Evangelism... this entry just makes me wonder if God is raising up an evangelistic leader?

What would happen if I pushed to be the leader (my natural tendency) - instead of stepping back (NOT my natural tendency!)? BTW, that is a rhetorical question... I'm JOYFUL for the discipline of the past month!
