July 25, 2007


Five of us (and a baby) went out to RAGBRAI in Cedar Falls today to talk to people. As we were leaving, we still hadn't actually had a conversation with anyone. I had just said something about wanting to talk to someone before we left when a group of young adults came up to us to give away sunblock. Lisa handed the group tracts and started talking to a girl so I thought, well, I might as well talk to the guy who I was standing next to.

I asked him, "I need to talk to someone today and so I was wondering if I could ask you some interesting questions?" He said, "Yes." So I then asked him, "If you were to die tonight, are you 100% sure that you would be going to Heaven?" He said, "Yes, because I'm a pretty good person." So, I asked him if I could test him on that... And then went through the Law with him. He admitted he was guilty of being a liar, a thief, a murderer and an adulterer at heart. He said that it did concern him but that he didn't think he would die tonight.

We then kept talking about spiritual things for a while. It was really amazing. Lisa and I ended up talking to this guy and another guy (the rest of the group left) for at least 30 minutes in a dusty parking lot, 95 degree heat and no shade. Yet, I wasn't uncomfortable or even hot. Their names are Brian and Steve. They had soooo many questions and were so hungry! We left them both with More Than a Carpenter and I gave Brian a New Testament so he could read the book of John. I also asked Brian if I could pray for him and he let me. I put my hand on his arm and prayed for him for a couple of minutes and that was really amazing opportunity.

They didn't want us to leave and Brian kept asking where we would be at next, if we had a website, etc. I finally gave him my husband's name and phone number because he was so intent on wanting further contact, it seemed. In hindsight, it would have been best to more firmly point him towards scripture to answer his further questions.

It was a wonderful experience and it was absolutely worth the hour drive. They were great guys and it was a blessing to have this opportunity.


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