August 28, 2007

Does that concern you?

On Saturday, Matt and I handed out tracts at/around an outdoor rock concert. Initially, I had a long conversation with a teen who happened to be nearby. After giving him a tract, I asked him if he had thought about what happens when we die. To my surprise, he opened up and told me all about his fear and his doubts about the future. It seems that he was from a religious family, but was trying to find out what is really true. He readily agreed that we can't be perfect, and told me that he had been thinking about this alot. He seemed really concerned! I explained the gospel and emphasized that it only by grace, not our works, that we are saved. He seemed glad to hear it, and I encouraged him to read the gospel of John.

We handed out 10-15 other tracts and had several shorter discussions with people coming to and going from the concert. Near the end of the evening, we talked to a guy sitting outside one of the local bars. He said that he would 'fail the test', but that fact did not concern him at all. After asking him a few more questions, he began to get defensive, and told us that we all have our own beliefs, and should keep them to ourselves. I don't know what the ultimate impact of this conversation will be, but trust that the results are in God's hand. We aren't responsible to convict hearts, the Holy Spirit is, and we don't know ahead of time who God is working on. We can only make ourselves available to share the good news and learn from the different experiences we have.

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