August 15, 2007

Sweet Greg

I talked with a young teen named Greg about God's Law and evolution this evening at the mall. He was really a sweet kid but he wasn't concerned about eternal punishment although he thought he wasn't a good person.

It was a cute conversation because I asked him questions like (learned from The Way of the Master training:

So, did the two-cell organism evolve into a sea animal or a land animal?

So, if it was a sea animal, did it have gills?

How did it come onto land? Did it flop out of the water onto land?

How did it breath on land? Didn't it have gills? How did it breath before the lungs evolved?

Did two of them flop onto the land and evolve lungs instantly so they could reproduce?

It was really cute. I loved watching his face as he tried to answer these questions (my tone of voice was not picking on him). Then I asked him if his parent's Ford vehicle evolved or if Ford created it? If the metal and plastic just -- slurp -- came together to form a car?

Then told him that a painting is absolute proof that there is a painter. A building is absolute proof that there is a builder. And, that creation is absolute proof that there is a creator. Made sense to him!!!

I gave him a God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life tract and a copy of The Case for Creation by Lee Strobel and then left him with his "seeds" of faith for God to grow! God is a-w-e-s-o-m-e! (But, we all knew that, right?!?)


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