August 21, 2007

Is it a Gift? / Reasons Why We Don't Share

Recently I have been told numerous times that what I'm doing is a 'gift' that God has given me. As in, "I can't do it because I haven't been given the 'gift.'" I do think that it is a gift (look up 'grace'), but one that is given to every Christian...

I will admit that because of my background in sales and as a receptionist I do have a fairly easy time starting any kind of conversation with someone. But, those that know me know that I have a 'scattered' brain. I have a hard time clearly getting my point across - especially about matters of faith.

This is why I had such a hard time sharing my faith in Jesus Christ before. It was hard enough with friends who were patient with me and I would never attempt talking to a stranger about Jesus (I already believed that walking up to someone and saying, "Jesus loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life" would sound foolish to a non-Christian).

Reasons why we all might not share our faith on a regular basis...
  1. Might Get Beat Up
  2. Won't Make Sense
  3. Might Be Made Fun Of
  4. Won't Know How to Start
  5. I'll Be a Bad Witness
  6. I'll Say the Wrong Thing
  7. I'll Be a Religious Nut
  8. I Don't Know Enough

Numbers six, seven and eight really apply to me. But, think about this, are these reasons or are they just excuses? I know they have been excuses for me - and still are. It has been life-changing to take the Way of the Master Basic Training, though. I now know what to say and how to say it. And, so much of the Gospel makes sense now! Here are some questions to search out...

  1. Why do we need the Old Testament? What is its purpose? Now that we have Jesus Christ, can't we stop using/studying it?
  2. Why did Jesus use the Law when talking to the lost? Didn't He realize that we are saved by faith in Him and not by following the Law?
  3. Why were the early followers of Christ (and others around the world) martyred for their faith? Why would someone kill you over the "God has a wonderful plan for your life" message?
  4. Why do I have a desire to share my faith in Jesus Christ but it comes across as foolishness to the lost?
  5. What is with the Christians being salt thing?

Everything I have just blogged here has been answered for me through taking the Way of the Master training which is why I say it has been life-changing. Are you ready to experience the exhilaration of sharing your faith Biblically!?


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