August 25, 2007

They're doing WHAT!?

Earlier this evening I was talking on the phone with Matt (my husband)...

He was calling from an outdoor rock concert sponsored by Planned Parenthood (music, cheap beer and free condoms were the attractions). He and Sam H. had already been there for an hour or two talking with strangers about sin, Christ and repentance. I'll let them blog about their experiences, but..

I got off the phone after an update call from Matt (my husband) and stared at the phone for a bit. I'm staring at the phone and thinking, Sam H. and Matt B. are at a rock concert talking to strangers about Christ... Sam H. and Matt B.... Strangers... Testifying to Christ... Wow. Wow. Who would have thought?... Wow.

This is just such an amazing testimony to the power of God! Matt with his lack of concern for the lost just two months ago and Sam being the most quiet person I've met thus far in my life.

Praise the Lord!

-Sarah B.

1 comment:

Tony and Lisa said...

That indeed is a clear demonstration of God's power!
